Construction, implementation

Real estate constructor - as main or general contractor gives us the opportunity to focus on long lasting quality executions using up-to-date building materials and procedures to achieve energy efficient and attractive buildings.

The owner-partners have a total of almost 100 years of experience in the field of construction investments and constructions. Their wide-ranging experience and highly qualified expertise together with internationally recognized personal and corporate references provide a solid foundation for all types of construction investment.

  • construction works including both buildings and civil engineering
  • residential real estate
  • complex city district development
  • tourism and commercial development divided into long-term phases investment

The Company handles all kind of inquiries with a single focus whether it is:

  • a private investment villa building
  • a family holiday complex
  • a public development or
  • an international design competition

Our contractor partners are also recognized experts in their key fields and decades of cooperation with them turns daily business into an efficiently managed process.

Among our Partners we can welcome:

– the owners of the region’s largest building material dealer network

– owner of an international concrete product manufacturing family with more than 110 people working in the field of concrete production since 1994

– the former regional CEO of the leading multinational company group in the construction industry markets of South-Eastern Europe